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Churchill Primary School, Caledon, Co. Tyrone

News - P6/7

7th Dec 2023
P6/7 spent the afternoon putting their clay moulding skills to the test. 
6th Dec 2023
This morning P6/7 had a challenge to mark out the perimeter of our new mobile. They...
29th Nov 2023
Primary 6 and 7 spent the morning coding their microbits. They were able to code...
28th Nov 2023
Our topic this term in P6/7 is on bridges. We have been learning about the different...
28th Nov 2023
Today we were finding the perimeter of different parts of school using trundle wheels. 
21st Nov 2023
P6 were measuring lots of different items today in the outdoors. They used different...

2021/2022 School Year