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Churchill Primary School, Caledon, Co. Tyrone


2023/2024 School Year

11th Nov 2023
The children in P4 got to imagine what life would be like if they had no sight when...
11th Nov 2023
P4 used twigs, leaves, apples, stones and other outdoor objects to find out how long...
10th Nov 2023
Thank you to members of our Eco Council for telling us all about our recycling bins....
9th Nov 2023
P2 and p3 partnered up to read an Autumn poem in front of the class. They worked...
7th Nov 2023
P4 put their senses to the test when completing this Scavenger Hunt. 
7th Nov 2023
P4 used leaves to create a pictogram to show their favourite colour.
3rd Nov 2023
P1 practicing their high frequency words to help with their reading - we enjoy many...
3rd Nov 2023
P3 used outdoor resources to create their own complex patterns
3rd Nov 2023
P4 having been finding out about the organs inside our bodies. We had great fun putting...